//788K 0MS G++#include <cstdio>#include <queue>#include <cstring>#define MAX 50using namespace std;char maze[MAX][MAX][MAX]; // z , y, xstruct Pos { int x; int y; int z; int time;};typedef struct Pos Pos;queue<Pos> BFSQueue;char BFSFlag[MAX][MAX][MAX];using namespace std;int W;int H;int C; // the level num of mazeint Sx;int Sy;int Sz;int Ex;int Ey;int Ez;char checkNode(int curX, int curY, int curZ, int curTime) { BFSFlag[curX][curY][curZ] = 1; Pos newPos; if (curX == Ex && curY == Ey && curZ == Ez) { return curTime + 1; } newPos.x = curX; newPos.y = curY; newPos.z = curZ; newPos.time = curTime + 1; BFSQueue.push(newPos); return 0;}int BFS() { while(BFSQueue.size()) { BFSQueue.pop(); } memset(BFSFlag, 0, sizeof(BFSFlag)); Pos beginPos; beginPos.x = Sx; beginPos.y = Sy; beginPos.z = Sz; beginPos.time = 0; BFSFlag[Sx][Sy][Sz] = 1; BFSQueue.push(beginPos); while(BFSQueue.size()) { Pos curPos = BFSQueue.front(); BFSQueue.pop(); int curX = curPos.x; int curY = curPos.y; int curZ = curPos.z; int curTime = curPos.time; //head top if (curZ + 1 <= C-1 && maze[curZ+1][curY][curX] != '#' && !BFSFlag[curX][curY][curZ+1]) { if (checkNode(curX, curY, curZ+1, curTime)) { return curTime + 1; } } //under foot if (curZ > 0 && maze[curZ-1][curY][curX] != '#' && !BFSFlag[curX][curY][curZ-1]) { if (checkNode(curX, curY, curZ-1, curTime)) { return curTime + 1; } } // front if (curY +1 <= H-1 && maze[curZ][curY+1][curX] != '#' && !BFSFlag[curX][curY+1][curZ]) { if (checkNode(curX, curY+1, curZ, curTime)) { return curTime + 1; } } // back if (curY > 0 && maze[curZ][curY-1][curX] != '#' && !BFSFlag[curX][curY-1][curZ]) { if (checkNode(curX, curY-1, curZ, curTime)) { return curTime + 1; } } // left if (curX > 0 && maze[curZ][curY][curX-1] != '#' && !BFSFlag[curX-1][curY][curZ]) { if (checkNode(curX-1, curY, curZ, curTime)) { return curTime + 1; } } //right if (curX + 1 <= W-1 && maze[curZ][curY][curX+1] != '#' && !BFSFlag[curX+1][curY][curZ]) { if (checkNode(curX+1, curY, curZ, curTime)) { return curTime + 1; } } } return -1; // trapped!}void solve() { int res = BFS(); if (res == -1) { printf("Trapped!\n"); } else { printf("Escaped in %d minute", res); if (res > 1) { printf("(s).\n"); } else { printf(".\n"); } }}int main () { while(1) { scanf("%d %d %d", &C, &H, &W); if (C == 0 && H ==0 && W ==0) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < H; j++) { scanf("%s", maze[i][j]); for (int k = 0; k < W; k++) { if (maze[i][j][k] == 'S') { Sz = i; Sy = j; Sx = k; } else if (maze[i][j][k] == 'E') { Ez = i; Ey = j; Ex = k; } } } } solve(); }}
或者直接BFS求(但分类这个问题在DFS, DFS可以解决,但是效率明显不高,这个问题的状态保存只有三个坐标,没有状态保存不好的问题)
描述迷宫的数组也从二维数组变为三维数组,直接用三维字符数组maze保存,但坐标对应 maze[z][y][x], 其他的都一样。