当前位置: 首页 > 图灵资讯 > 技术篇> gle set of weights. In Fig. 6, we show our model can perform region-based retrieval and referring ba

gle set of weights. In Fig. 6, we show our model can perform region-based retrieval and referring ba

时间:2023-06-01 09:54:08

A. Experiment Settings

https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/vecdjar2sbb.pdf PretrainingIn the main paper, all the pre-trained models are trainedwith 50 epochs of COCO data and roughly 45 epochs of 10million image-text pairs. The batch size of COCO imagesand image text pairs are 32 and 1024 respectively. And 32GPUs are used for pretraining. The AdamW optimizer isused in pretraining with the initial learning rate 1e-4. Astep-wise scheduler is used to decay the learning rate by 0.1on the fraction [0.88889, 0.96296] of training steps.A.2. FinetuningImage-Text Retrieval. For both COCO and Flickr30kimage-text retrieval, we finetune the models for 10 epochsusing AdamW as the optimizer. We set the image resolution to 384 and the batch size to 2048. The learning ratesare 3e-5 for the X-Decoder part and 3e-6 for the vision andlanguage backbones.Image Captioning. Similar to image-text retrieval, wefinetune the captioning models for 10 epochs using AdamWas the optimizer. We set the image resolution to 480 andthe batch size to 256. The learning rates are 2e-5 for theX-Decoder part and 2e-6 for the vision and language backbones. We use beam search during caption generation withthe beam size set to 5. We do not use CIDEr optimizationfor our captioning models.VQA. For VQA, we add a new classification layer onthe top of the model and finetune the models for 10 epochsusing AdamW as the optimizer. We set the image resolutionto 640 and the batch size to 256. The learning rates are 1e4 for the X-Decoder part, 1e-5 for the vision and languagebackbones, and 1e-3 for the VQA classification layer.Generic Segmentation. For generic segmentation, wefinetune the pretrained checkpoint with 24 epochs with startlearning rate 1e-4. We decay the learning rate by factor 10at epoch 21 and 23, respectively. The batch size of ADE20kis 64, and 32 for COCO.Referring Segmentation. For referring segmentation,we also finetune the pretrained checkpoint with 24 epochs.However, as RefCOCO has been used in pretraining, thusthe initial learning rate is 1e-5. It also decays twice at 21and 23 epochs. We use a batch size of 64 during training.Further, in addition to the normal setting that multiple backbone and language encoder learning rates with 0.1, here wealso multiply the transformer encoder learning rate by 0.1.B. Open-Vocab Segmentation BenchmarkWe propose an open vocabulary segmentation benchmark on 9 datasets with different evaluation metrics. Thegoal of this benchmark is to provide a comprehensive andstandard evaluation protocol for open-vocabulary segmentation on different vocabulary sizes and image domains.Dataset Scene Annotation Format # Images # Classes Sem Inst PanoADE-150 common ✓ ✓ ✓ 2000 150ADE-847 common ✓ ✗ ✗ 2000 847Pascal Voc common ✓ ✗ ✗ 1449 20Pascal Context-59 common ✓ ✗ ✗ 5105 59Pascal Context-459 common ✓ ✗ ✗ 5105 459SUN RGB-D in-door ✓ ✗ ✗ 5050 37Scannnet-200 in-door ✓ ✗ ✓ 5436 20Scannnet-41 in-door ✓ ✗ ✗ 5436 Cityscapes41 driving ✓ ✓ ✓ 500 19/8/19BDD driving ✓ ✗ ✓ 1000 19/40Table 8. Open-Vocabulary Segmentation Benchmark Statistics.Table 8 shows the dataset statistics in the benchmark. Itsupports all generic segmentation tasks including semantic/instance/panoptic segmentation. It covers a variety ofscopes ranging from 20 to 847 classes. In addition, theevaluation scene includes common objects, in-door scenesas well as autonomous driving scenarios. To enable a better understanding of the open-vocabulary ability on thetraining/evaluation datasets. We evaluate the coverage oftraining datasets captions and evaluation datasets conceptsin Fig. 10-16 (we split the caption into single words andphrases to find mappings in categories). The major resultsof the open-vocabulary segmentation are evaluated in themain paper, Tab. 2.Method COCO Karpathy VQAv2IR@1 TR@1 CIDEr BLEU test-devX-Decoder (T) 49.3 66.7 122.3 37.8 70.6X-Decoder-VL (T) 44.3 ↓5.0 60.3 ↓6.4 113.2 ↓9.1 34.8 ↓3.0 69.4 ↓1.2Table 9. Compare finetuning result between X-Decoder and X-DecoderVL which merely uses 4M image-text pairs for pretraining.C. Extra Ablation StudiesC.1. Complementariness between Vision and VLIn our main paper, we observed that the visionlanguage pretraining objectives including image-text contrastive learning and image captioning have clear benefitsto image segmentation, particularly in the zero-shot setting.Here, we further study the role of segmentation objectives invision-language understanding. To investigate, we removethe segmentation data (COCO panoptic segmentation andreferring segmentation) and only pretrain X-Decoder on thefour million image-text pairs, denoted by X-Decoder-VL.Afterwards, we transfer the model to downstream VL tasks.As we can see from Table 9, the performance significantlydrops across all tasks after removing the segmentation datafor pretraining. We suspect that segmentation data can helpmodels to learn more fine-grained visual understanding andconsequently benefit vision-language tasks. Along with ourfindings in the main paper, we conclude that pixel-level segmentation and vision-language learning are complementary to each other for zero-shot and task-specific transfer.14Method Backbone Deformable Attn.Generic Segmentation Referring Retrieval CaptioningCOCO ADE (open) g-Ref COCO-Karpathy COCO-KarpathyPQ mAP mIoU PQ mAP mIoU cIoU IR@1 TR@1 CIDEr BLEUX-Decoder (T) Swin ✗ 50.2 38.8 61.9 17.3 9.4 23.7 55.3 28.0 43.7 79.9 24.2X-Decoder (T) Swin ✓ 52.3 42.7 64.5 17.0 9.3 22.1 59.1 28.1 43.1 87.2 26.9X-Decoder (T) Focal ✗ 51.4 40.5 62.8 18.8 9.8 25.0 59.8 30.7 48.5 79.9 24.2X-Decoder (T) Davit ✗ 51.0 39.7 62.4 17.3 9.4 23.6 58.4 31.4 48.8 86.8 26.0X-Decoder (L) Davit ✗ 56.9 46.7 67.7 21.8 13.1 29.6 64.2 44.7 60.3 111.0 32.6X-Decoder (L) Davit ✓ 57.4 48.0 69.7 19.1 12.6 26.6 65.1 46.2 61.8 108.2 30.1Table 10. Model architecture inspection among Swin [50], FocalNet [83] and DaViT [16]. “Deformable Attn.” means multi-scale deformable attention [99]that is used in Mask2Former [12]. All numbers are reported in zero-shot manner without any task-specific finetuning, and the row colored in gray correspondsto the architecture used the main paper.Model COCO (p/s) ITP ADE-150 VOC PC-59 PC-459 SUN SCAN-20 SCAN-41 Cityscapes BDDm cls cap PQ mAP mIoU mIoU mIoU mIoU mIoU mIoU PQ mIoU mIoU mAP PQ mIoU PQX-Decoder-Seg (T) ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ 13.7 6.3 18.0 89.3 59.3 11.5 16.3 8.6 16.3 6.4 46.6 14.9 30.2 36.9 13.0X-Decoder-Seg+(T) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ 15.0 7.8 21.3 93.1 61.7 10.4 28.7 30.7 30.8 17.1 48.2 16.7 37.1 40.0 13.5X-Decoder (T) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ 16.6 8.3 22.3 94.4 57.6 11.9 33.1 39.7 26.4 21.9 51.0 15.6 35.5 45.0 14.4X-Decoder (T) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 18.8 9.8 25.0 96.2 62.9 12.3 34.5 37.8 30.7 21.7 47.3 16.0 37.2 42.4 16.4X-Decoder (L-IN21K) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 19.9 11.7 29.6 95.8 54.2 20.5 42.4 44.9 29.5 27.4 47.2 18.3 33.3 44.9 15.2X-Decoder (L) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 21.8 13.1 29.6 97.7 64.0 16.1 43.0 49.5 39.5 29.7 52.0 24.9 38.1 47.2 17.8Table 11. More open-vocabulary segmentation results. We report the results for our X-Decoder pretrained with COCO segmentation and caption annotationsonly in 3rd row. Additionally, we compare the model initialized with two different pre-trained large vision backbones, FocalNet-Large and DaViT-d5 trainedon ImageNet-21K (row 5) and hundreds of millions of image-text pairs (row 6), respectively.C.2. Model Architecture InspectionIn Table. 10, we report the results using three differentvision backbone architectures, including Swin [50], FocalNet [83] and DaViT [16]. All models in the first block arewith tiny size and trained on the combination of image-labeland image-text pairs, following the settings in UniCL [84].In the second block, all the models are initialized with Florence [94] pre-trained DaVit-d5 model. Through the comparisons, we have the following observations: (1) FocalNetand DaViT achieve better performance than Swin acrossall metrics. Particularly, FocalNet achieves the best performance on generic and referring segmentation, while DaViTis better on the zero-shot vision-language evaluations; (2)After adding the deformable attention, we can see a booston supervised segmentation but significant (especially largemodel) degradation on the open-vocabulary segmentationon ADE20K dataset. Based on these experimental results,we make the design choices as mentioned in our main submission: (1) we remove deformable attention in the favor ofopen-vocabulary segmentation; (2) we use FocalNet as thetiny vision encoder and train it by ourselves using UniCL,while using DaViT [94] as the base and large vision encoder.C.3. Open-Vocabulary Generic Segmentation Settings InspectionIn Tab. 11, we study the progressive enrichment of dataand training settings as well as the pre-trained model usage. X-Decoder-Seg is the baseline of adding a text encoder to Mask2Former [12] with a learnable language encoder. X-Decoder-Seg+ takes use of caption nouns forHungarian matching to enrich the vocabulary size. In addition to the main paper, we add row 3 in Tab. 11 todemonstrate the performance of X-Decoder with only cocoimage text pairs. Comparing 3rd row and 4th row, wefind adding extra image-text pairs for pretraining clearlimprove open-vocabulary segmentation performance especially when the vocabulary size is large (e.g. ADE-150,CONTEXT-59/459). The way of pretraining vision backbone also matters. Comparing the last two rows side byside, though the backbone model sizes are similar, usingImageNet-21K for pretraining leads to inferior performanceon most of the datasets except for CONTEXT-459 whichcontains most number of categories. These results demonstrate the benefits of using more image-text pairs for pretraining the vision backbone or our X-Decoder.D. Segmentation In the Wild BenchmarkAs shown in the main submission, our X-Decoder exhibits a strong generalization ability to segment images inten settings of seven datasets from different domains, without any dataset-specific finetuning. Inspired by the object detection in the wild setting proposed in GLIP [45],we resort to more domain-specific datasets on the webto further examine the generality of our model. Specifically, we download 55 instance segmentation datasets fromRoboflow 3. Afterward, we clean the datasets by excluding those containing visually undetectable categories (e.g.Different species of plant) or categories labeled with otherlanguages. In the end, we compile 25 datasets that are suitable for evaluation into segmentation in the wild (SegInW)benchmark and report instance segmentation mAP. The3https://roboflow.com/15Datasetet Categories # Class # Images URL Train ValPhones [phone] 1 25 11 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/plw34utg4ji [elephant] 1 883 99 https://universe.roboflow.com/ds/4Ywrxd1bfykey=Q5GY9ITU14Hand-Metal [hand, metal] 2 504 65 https://universe.roboflow.com/nk950357-gmail-com/lab-k8hynWatermelon [watermelon] 1 65 23 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/4hpbqtjatp5 [aluminium door, aluminium window, ...] 22 700 201 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/qdcskorkwdy [bottle, mouse, perfume, phone] 4 45 3 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/a1doczmaici [R strawberry, people] 2 971 87 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/xerqfqsf1ob [apple, lemon, orange, pear, strawberry] 5 120 9 https://universe.roboflow.com/ds/PEVo9xHLFl?key=PXeJGF0D5qNutterfly-Squireel [butterfly, squirrel] 2 951 237 https://universe.roboflow.com/handwashhygeine/nature-3tkyshand [Hand-Segmentation, hand] 2 210 60 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/ear2o4a2zvc [bin, garbage, pavement, road] 4 325 142 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/bbvg5mwvuo2 [chicken] 1 19 1 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/t41aebb3gek [rail] 1 3067 1069 https://universe.roboflow.comwzk789wzk-gmail-com/rail_dataset/dataset/4Airplane-Parts [Airplane, Body, Cockpit, Engine, Wing] 5 39 7 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/awdaxyabgy5 [tumor] 1 236 28 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/mihprdrrlcx [poles] 1 11 3 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/u05ostvl0pa [caorau] 1 288 24 https://universe.roboflow.com/fpt-university-1tkhk/caurauBottles [bottle, can, label] 3 357 16 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/4vy5bnucoeq [Allen-key, block, gasket, ...] 8 48 6 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/5m1xrzf4wzj [Aluminium foil, Cigarette, ...] 12 832 92 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/t3gaodbgqz0 [Salmon fillet] 1 1991 64 https://universe.roboflow.com/rishik-mishra-rljwe/f125Puppiespies [puppy] 1 15 3 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/f5pjrihxqo1 [tablets] 1 237 13 https://universe.roboflow.com/detection-qskiw/tablets-instance-segmentation/dataset/1Cows [cow] 1 630 60 https://www.tulingxueyuan.cn/d/file/p/20230601/knoyssj2omg [garlic, ginger] 2 28 8 https://universe.roboflow.com/george-brown-college-1omrb/ginger-and-garlic-object-segmentation/dataset/1table 12. Meta information of SegInW benchmark. We list the source links, annotated category names and number of categories for each dataset.(a) Phones (b) Elephants (c) Hand-Metal (d) Watermelon (e) House-parts(f) Household-items (g) Strawberry (h) Fruits (i) Butterfly-Squirrel (j) Hand(k) Garbage (l) Chicken (m) Rail (n) Airplane-parts (o) Brain-tumor(p) Poles (q) Electric-shaver (r) Bottles (s) Toolkits (t) Trash(u) Salmon (v) Puppies (w) Tablets (x) Cows (y) Ginger-GarlicFigure 7. Examplar images and annotations in SegInW benchmark. The benchmark covers a persity of visual domains and concepts in the daily life.16Figure 8. Zero-shot segmentation performance on SeginW with X-Decoder-L model. We report the mAP in descending order.0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots2025303540mAPX-Decoder (T)X-Decoder (B)X-Decoder (FL)X-Decoder (L)X-Decoder-Seg+ (B)(a) Tune Linear (0.26M)0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots2025303540mAPX-Decoder (T)X-Decoder (B)X-Decoder (FL)X-Decoder (L)X-Decoder-Seg+ (B)(b) Tune Prompt (1.15M)0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots202530354045mAPX-Decoder (T)X-Decoder (B)X-Decoder (FL)X-Decoder (L)X-Decoder-Seg+ (B)(c) Tune Decoder (39.3M)0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots25.027.530.032.535.037.540.042.042.540mAP#Param: 0.26M#Param: 1.15M#Param: 39.3M(d) X-Decoder-Seg+ (B)0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots22.525.027.530.032.535.037.540.042.042.540mAP#Param: 0.26M#Param: 1.15M#Param: 39.3M(e) X-Decoder (T)0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots25.027.530.032.535.037.540.042.042.54045.0mAP#Param: 0.26M#Param: 1.15M#Param: 39.3M(f) X-Decoder (B)0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots2530354045mAP#Param: 0.26M#Param: 1.15M#Param: 39.3M(g) X-Decoder (L-IN21K)0 1 2 5 10 Full# Shots3236344444#Param: 0.26M#Param: 1.15M#Param: 39.3M(h) X-Decoder (L)Figure 9. (a-c) Line chart of tuning shot and mAP with different tuning strategies on each backbone architecture. (d-h) Line chart of tuning shot and mAPwith different backbone architecture on different number of tuning parameters (strategies).dataset meta information is listed in Tab. 12, and examplarimages are shown in Fig. 7.On the SegInW benchmark, we evaluate zero-shot, fewshot, and fine-tuned segmentation for five models (XDecoder-Seg+ as baselines, and X-Decoder with different visual backbone) on three different tuning scales. InFig. 8, we report the zero-shot instance segmentation performance on 25 datasets separately in a descending order.Accordingly, X-Decoder shows reasonably good generalization ability to a wide range of visual and concept domains. Specifically, it achieves higher mAP on common objects like fruits and animals but lower ones on fine-graineddatasets like toolkits and rare concepts like rail and braintumor. In Fig. 9, we further show the line chars for few-shotlearning and fully-finetuning, and observe that:X-Decoder has privilege on small-scale tuning. As shownin Fig. 9 (a-b), comparing with X-Decoder-Seg+ that onlyextract noun phrase to increase vocabulary size, X-Decoderperforms much better with few-shot/finetune setting. Although X-Decoder (B) and X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) have similar zero-shot performance, the gap increases with the number of images tuned. However, as the number of parameters tuned increased by a large margin Fig. 9 (c), the performance gap between X-Decoder and X-Decoder-Seg+ isshrunk to a small margin.Zero-Shot gap could be bridged by tuning. X-Decoder(L) and X-Decoder (L-IN21K) are initialized with differentpre-trained image backbones. Specifically, X-Decoder (L)is initialized by Florence [94] pre-trained Davit-d5, whereasX-Decoder (L-IN21K) is initialized with FocalNet-L pretrained on ImageNet-21k [15]. As shown in Fig. 9 (a-c),although the gap between X-Decoder-L and X-Decoder-LIN21K on the zero-shot setting is relatively large. However,the gap on 5/10/full finetuned settings is much smaller andeven cross in some settings.Tuning class embedding is enough for few-shot settings.As shown in Fig. 9 (e-h), on the smaller scale backbone including (T/B), although tuning the full decoder has a betterresult, the gap is not obvious on 0-10 shots. And on largerscale models including L/L-IN21K, tuning with class embedding has similar/better results on 0-10 shots.We show more detailed results in Table 13, Table 14 andTable 15. Similar to Table 3, we report the number of parameters tuned in each setting.17E. Extra VisualizationIn this part, we demonstrate the generalization ability tovideo datasets and flexibility to support task compositionsfor X-Decoder with more qualitative visualizations.E.1. Zero-Shot Generic Video SegmentationOpen-vocabulary generic segmentation is one of themain advantages of X-Decoder. We also apply generic segmentation in a zero-shot manner to the YoutubeVOS [82]dataset. As shown in Fig. 17, our model can be well generalized to video zero-shot generic segmentation and makepredictions that are consistent across frames. As a result,our model can be used in video segmentation directly or agood initialization for further finetuning.E.2. Zero-Shot Referring Video SegmentationBesides the generic segmentaton on video frames, our XDecoder can be easily adapted to referring video segmentation as well without any architectural change or finetuning. In Fig. 18, we visualize some examples of referringvideo segmentation on the YoutubeVOS [82] dataset in azero-shot manner. We can see that our model can generaterather accurate outputs given various referring phrases. Notably, in addition to the strong segmentation performancefor given concepts, the model can also correctly distinguishthe spatial locations (e.g., left v.s. right in the first row),and object attributes (e.g., a baby gorilla instead of an adultgorilla in the second row) in these unseen videos.E.3. Zero-Shot Image CaptioningTo test the generalization ability of X-Decoder, wealso ask the model generate image captions on theYoutubeVOS [82] dataset, which is in a different domainfrom the image data. As we can see from the examples inFig. 19, the model can correctly predict the object, activity,and environment in an image. Interestingly, the captionsfor the first 6 images sampled from 3 different videos showthat our approach can correctly differentiate the movementsfrom similar scenarios (e.g., a man playing vs. a man standing in the first two samples.).E.4. Zero-Shot Referring CaptioningIn compensating for the visualization of the main paper,we add more referring captioning samples in Fig 20. Thephrase before “:” is the referring phrase, and the sentence after “:” is the generated caption. The grounding mask of thereferring phrase is highlighted in pink. Clearly, our modelcan simultaneously segments the referred region and generates a region-specific caption. Complementary to regularimage captioning systems, such a novel functionality provides a way of interpreting images in a more fine-grainedmanner. Note that our X-Decoder was never trained to generate such regional captions.E.5. Zero-Shot Referring Image EditingFinally, given the high-quality referring segmentation results with X-Decoder, we can effortlessly combine it withoff-the-shelf Stable-Diffusion image inpainting model [66]and perform zero-shot referring image editing. As shownin Fig. 21, the model first performs referring segmentation,then the original image and the segmentation mask are fedinto the inpainting model to generate the inpainted image.For example, given “change bird to squirrel”, it first extractsthe bird segment (blue region) from the input image andthen replace the segmented region with a generated squirrel. Likewise in other samples, we can see all the generatedimages look natural and follow the inpainting instructionsvery well. These impressive plug-and-play results imply agreat potential of combining our X-Decoder and advancedgenerative AI models for fine-grained precise image editing.F. DiscussionsFuture Directions. The extensive quantitative and qualitative results have demonstrated the strong performanceand generalization ability of our X-Decoder for a varietyof vision and vision-language tasks at different granularities. Upon the current X-Decoder design, we see two directions worth future explorations: (1) Pretrain the wholemodel in one stage effectively and efficiently. Currently, themodel still requires a separate pretraining for the image andtext encoders. However, since our model supports largescale image-text contrastive learning thanks to the decoupled design, we can easily unify the CLIP-style pretrainingwith the decoder pretraining in an end-to-end manner. (2)Unify all level of supervisions. Due to high annotation costs,the pixel-level segmentation annotations by nature are muchless than the region-level box and image-level annotations.It is worth building a more unified learning paradigm tojointly learn from pixel-level, region-level and image-levelsupervision to attain a more powerful unified model.Social Impact. This work is mainly focused on the design of a generalized decoder for various vision and visionlanguage tasks. We have used a pretrained image and textencoder and further pretrained the models on a combinationof various datasets and tasks. Since the models are trainedon large-scale webly-crawled image-text pairs, the negativeimpact might arise due to the potential offensive or biasedcontent in the data. To mitigate this issue, we need to havea careful sanity check on the training data and model predictions before deploying it in practical scenarios.18Model Shot #Param Avg AirplaneParts Bottles BrainTumor Chicken Cows ElectricShaver Elephants Fruits Garbage GingerGarlic Hand Hand- MetalHousePartsHH.-ItemsNutterflySquireel Phones Poles Puppies Rail SalmonFillet Strawberry Tablets Toolkits Trash WatermelonX-Decoder (T) 0 0.0M 22.7 10.5 19.0 1.1 12.0 12.0 1.2 65.6 66.5 28.7 7.9 0.6 22.4 5.5 50.6 62.1 29.9 3.6 48.9 0.7 15.0 41.6 15.2 9.5 19.3 16.2X-Decoder (T) 1 39.3M 22.7 10.5±0.0 19.0±0.0 1.1±0.0 12.0±0.0 12.0±0.0 0.8±0.7 65.6±0.0 66.5±0.0 28.7±0.0 7.9±5.8 0.6±0.0 22.4±0.0 5.5±0.0 50.6±4.6 62.1±0.0 29.9±2.3 3.6±0.0 48.9±4.6 0.7±0.0 15.0±1.1 41.6±0.0 15.2±0.0 9.5±0.0 19.3±0.0 16.2±0.0X-Decoder (T) 3 39.3M 24.1 10.5±0.0 19.0±0.0 1.1±0.0 27.2±26.3 13.4±0.6 1.2±0.0 65.6±0.0 66.9±0.6 28.7±0.0 9.9±2.5 0.6±0.0 21.2±2.2 6.1±0.1 50.6±4.6 62.1±0.0 36.6±7.5 7.6±8.0 49.8±2.5 0.7±0.0 15.0±1.1 41.0±1.0 14.3±1.5 11.5±0.6 19.8±0.7 20.3±5.7X-Decoder (T) 5 39.3M 29.1 10.0±0.9 30.2±1.2 6.3±3.9 51.8±6.6 18.2±2.7 2.3±1.5 64.9±0.8 67.2±2.1 33.2±1.2 16.9±3.3 30.3±22.8 23.8±6.4 7.1±1.2 50.6±0.1 66.4±1.1 46.4±5.9 14.0±4.8 49.0±0.4 1.5±0.9 15.7±4.0 42.0±0.7 16.1±3.2 12.7±1.6 21.1±1.0 27.9±6.7X-Decoder (T) 10 39.3M 34.6 10.0±2.0 34.1±6.3 9.7±2.3 59.6±2.4 19.8±5.8 17.4±23.3 64.8±2.1 68.2±7.1 38.1±1.9 17.6±5.9 81.6±4.0 45.6±7.2 8.4±0.9 51.0±0.4 63.9±3.1 41.3±8.4 3.6±0.0 48.4±2.4 1.7±1.5 29.7±7.0 44.4±3.0 24.1±5.7 14.1±2.1 21.6±1.1 44.5±2.4X-Decoder (T) 3×All 39.3M 37.5 10.5±0.5 35.1±4.4 6.6±1.2 14.5±4.3 30.9±0.9 7.1±0.5 68.3±0.4 70.3±6.9 36.9±0.8 9.9±3.5 37.7±20.1 46.0±3.7 8.5±0.0 50.6±0.0 79.8±0.3 48.7±0.8 13.1±9.4 50.6±0.2 59.6±0.9 54.2±0.5 83.4±10.5 27.4±0.8 13.2±1.0 27.6±0.9 44.5±0.9X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 0 0.0M 26.3 13.2 17.2 0.8 33.0 28.6 4.9 67.9 71.1 28.8 5.2 0.0 0.8 6.8 50.6 53.2 18.8 17.9 68.2 0.7 21.1 86.3 5.8 11.5 12.1 31.7X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 1 39.3M 26.3 13.2±0.0 17.2±0.0 0.8±0.0 33.0±0.0 28.6±2.3 4.9±0.0 68.0±0.2 71.1±0.0 28.8±0.0 5.2±0.0 0.0±0.0 0.8±0.0 6.8±0.0 50.7±0.0 53.2±0.0 18.8±0.0 17.9±0.0 68.2±0.0 0.7±0.0 21.0±0.0 86.5±0.3 5.8±5.8 11.5±0.0 12.1±1.1 31.7±2.3X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 3 39.3M 26.6 13.2±0.0 17.2±0.2 0.9±0.1 33.0±0.0 29.6±0.6 4.4±0.8 67.3±0.5 74.4±4.9 28.6±0.3 6.0±0.8 0.0±0.0 1.1±0.2 7.0±0.2 50.7±0.0 53.1±0.1 23.3±3.3 17.9±0.0 67.1±1.9 0.7±0.0 21.4±0.4 86.5±0.7 5.8±0.0 10.3±1.0 12.2±0.0 32.9±1.0X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 5 39.3M 27.5 13.3±0.1 18.6±1.3 1.4±0.1 34.3±3.5 30.6±1.1 5.2±0.7 67.6±2.2 79.5±1.0 28.8±0.1 4.3±0.8 0.0±0.0 1.4±0.3 7.5±0.1 50.7±0.0 54.9±0.9 26.9±4.1 18.8±1.1 66.9±3.0 0.8±0.1 21.6±0.9 85.5±2.1 7.4±0.1 13.0±2.7 12.4±0.0 35.7±1.8X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 10 39.3M 30.0 13.5±0.3 18.0±0.2 2.1±0.8 49.7±1.9 35.9±1.8 8.0±3.1 68.2±2.8 79.9±4.0 28.6±0.3 7.3±2.8 0.0±0.0 6.0±1.6 8.1±0.3 50.5±0.0 55.1±2.4 33.6±1.7 17.9±0.0 69.4±3.9 1.6±0.3 24.8±2.5 87.9±0.6 9.0±1.3 14.3±0.6 13.0±0.4 45.7±2.8X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 3×All 39.3M 31.9 13.5±0.2 19.8±0.4 2.2±0.1 31.7±2.3 37.7±0.3 4.1±0.3 73.9±0.2 78.8±1.9 29.0±0.0 5.3±0.2 0.0±0.0 3.3±0.6 8.6±0.1 50.7±0.0 63.9±0.0 24.3±1.1 20.1±0.0 65.4±0.0 46.4±1.5 54.0±1.6 89.6±0.0 8.4±0.8 12.7±0.9 13.7±0.1 39.1±1.0X-Decoder (B) 0 0.0M 27.7 13.0 45.9 0.3 13.6 36.8 4.2 68.0 76.7 30.2 19.4 20.6 18.5 6.7 51.7 53.1 8.9 5.6 55.4 0.8 18.2 81.6 8.0 13.9 27.3 13.0X-Decoder (B) 1 39.3M 27.8 13.0±0.0 45.9±0.0 0.3±0.0 13.6±1.1 36.8±0.0 4.2±0.0 68.0±0.0 76.7±0.0 30.2±0.0 19.4±0.0 20.6±0.0 18.5±0.0 6.7±5.8 51.7±0.0 53.1±4.6 10.2±2.1 5.6±0.0 55.4±0.0 0.8±0.0 18.2±0.0 81.6±0.0 8.0±0.0 13.9±0.0 27.3±0.0 13.0±0.0X-Decoder (B) 3 39.3M 28.2 12.6±0.3 41.6±5.2 0.3±0.0 13.6±1.1 37.2±0.6 4.2±0.0 68.0±0.1 77.4±1.1 30.4±0.2 19.8±0.6 26.7±9.6 22.2±6.4 7.2±0.2 51.9±0.3 53.1±4.6 12.2±2.8 5.5±0.4 55.4±0.0 0.3±0.5 19.4±3.4 82.9±1.5 8.7±0.7 10.9±3.1 28.0±0.6 15.3±2.0X-Decoder (B) 5 39.3M 33.1 12.6±0.4 41.2±0.9 2.2±2.0 27.5±7.5 37.9±0.3 9.8±4.6 67.6±1.2 78.3±1.7 30.4±0.3 33.9±5.8 75.2±14.1 35.5±16.5 8.5±0.4 53.0±1.8 61.9±7.8 12.3±2.7 4.5±0.5 54.7±0.8 0.9±0.1 20.7±0.4 86.7±0.8 8.8±2.5 14.9±6.8 28.9±1.3 19.4±6.8X-Decoder (B) 10 39.3M 38.6 10.9±1.0 38.3±3.5 1.8±0.9 46.3±4.2 38.6±1.8 24.5±10.3 67.0±4.4 78.4±3.3 30.8±0.4 37.9±2.1 89.1±2.9 63.5±1.0 8.7±0.5 58.4±2.9 72.8±3.0 19.5±7.4 5.6±0.0 57.1±1.1 2.3±0.7 24.6±2.4 87.8±2.8 13.4±5.0 15.0±3.3 32.6±0.4 39.9±3.1X-Decoder (B) 3×All 39.3M 38.9 12.5±0.0 42.7±0.2 1.0±0.0 14.6±1.4 36.8±0.3 17.4±3.1 71.7±0.2 79.7±0.6 31.5±0.1 29.1±1.6 53.6±0.5 65.8±0.5 9.2±0.0 54.0±0.9 82.3±0.2 17.1±3.2 5.7±1.2 55.4±0.4 48.9±2.7 48.3±1.4 90.3±0.0 18.8±2.5 15.0±0.0 36.3±0.5 33.0±2.1X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 0 0.0M 26.7 12.3 43.2 0.5 3.5 12.3 18.8 63.9 79.1 24.3 15.6 0.0 20.3 4.9 50.5 58.8 43.4 13.4 57.3 1.3 12.3 74.4 6.9 14.6 20.1 13.5X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 1 39.3M 26.8 12.3±0.0 43.2±4.6 0.5±0.0 3.5±0.0 13.9±2.8 18.8±0.0 63.9±4.6 79.1±0.0 25.1±1.4 15.6±1.1 0.0±0.0 21.4±1.9 4.9±0.0 50.5±0.0 58.8±0.0 43.4±0.0 14.0±0.9 57.3±0.0 1.3±0.0 12.3±0.0 74.4±0.0 6.9±0.0 14.6±0.0 20.1±0.0 13.5±0.0X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 3 39.3M 29.5 14.0±0.4 44.9±3.0 0.9±0.7 3.5±1.3 27.0±1.0 21.6±4.9 63.7±0.8 79.1±0.0 24.3±0.0 13.8±4.2 29.6±51.3 16.9±5.8 6.0±0.4 50.6±0.1 59.6±1.3 45.2±0.7 18.4±1.7 57.7±1.4 0.5±0.9 16.7±7.7 83.1±1.8 5.4±3.0 15.3±0.9 23.3±3.1 14.7±2.0X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 5 39.3M 36.2 12.1±1.6 50.4±4.3 0.4±0.0 31.7±6.9 32.7±0.7 51.9±18.6 64.2±0.7 75.7±3.9 27.8±0.7 22.4±13.4 60.0±33.8 23.9±10.0 7.1±0.1 51.4±1.0 63.0±3.6 42.7±2.9 15.7±5.6 59.7±1.7 1.8±0.1 21.4±9.0 83.7±2.5 16.3±11.6 16.5±0.4 34.0±4.7 37.1±2.7X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 10 39.3M 40.5 11.8±0.4 52.0±2.3 0.6±0.2 34.1±6.1 34.3±1.1 48.7±16.6 65.3±1.7 80.0±0.9 30.4±11.3 28.0±10.8 91.5±2.8 47.4±29.2 7.0±0.5 54.2±5.1 73.0±6.9 44.6±1.8 13.4±0.0 55.0±5.2 4.6±1.3 24.4±3.6 85.3±1.1 24.7±18.6 20.2±1.3 37.0±1.5 43.8±3.1X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 3×All 39.3M 40.7 14.1±1.0 53.2±0.7 0.4±0.1 4.5±1.7 36.6±0.4 62.7±4.2 70.3±0.1 80.0±1.2 31.7±0.7 15.6±6.0 22.2±0.5 61.7±0.8 7.8±0.2 51.8±1.0 85.2±0.0 44.1±0.3 12.6±5.9 60.7±0.0 41.7±1.0 48.3±0.6 90.4±0.0 22.9±1.7 18.7±1.2 42.3±0.6 36.8±2.4X-Decoder (L) 0 0.0M 32.3 13.1 42.1 2.2 8.6 44.9 7.5 66.0 79.2 33.0 11.6 75.9 42.1 7.0 53.0 68.4 15.6 20.1 59.0 2.3 19.0 67.1 22.5 9.9 22.3 13.8X-Decoder (L) 1 39.3M 32.0 13.1±0.0 42.1±0.0 2.2±0.0 8.6±0.0 44.9±0.0 7.5±0.0 66.0±0.0 79.2±0.0 33.0±0.0 11.6±1.1 75.9±0.0 42.1±0.0 7.0±0.0 53.0±0.0 68.4±0.0 15.6±1.1 20.1±0.0 59.0±0.0 2.3±0.0 19.0±0.0 67.1±0.0 22.5±0.0 9.9±0.0 15.4±13.4 13.8±0.0X-Decoder (L) 3 39.3M 32.6 13.1±0.0 42.1±0.0 2.2±0.0 12.3±6.4 45.1±0.2 7.5±0.0 66.0±0.0 78.6±0.5 33.3±0.5 11.6±1.1 75.9±0.0 42.1±0.0 7.0±0.0 53.0±0.0 68.4±0.0 17.0±5.2 21.6±1.7 59.0±0.0 2.4±0.1 19.0±0.0 67.1±0.0 23.3±1.4 9.5±0.7 22.3±0.0 13.8±0.0X-Decoder (L) 5 39.3M 35.0 14.0±0.3 45.3±3.6 4.1±0.4 24.9±11.0 46.1±0.1 11.2±7.1 65.8±0.8 77.9±1.1 33.6±0.5 13.2±1.6 85.1±4.1 43.5±4.1 7.4±0.0 52.9±0.2 69.2±1.4 16.9±8.2 21.6±1.6 58.5±3.1 2.6±0.2 18.4±0.9 81.2±3.9 25.8±4.8 9.7±0.3 24.9±1.8 19.6±2.6X-Decoder (L) 10 39.3M 40.3 13.3±0.3 45.2±3.5 3.2±1.7 42.3±3.9 45.8±0.1 29.3±3.5 68.3±2.0 76.0±3.1 37.9±1.9 24.4±1.3 93.7±0.4 57.5±1.2 7.9±0.5 52.1±0.3 78.8±1.3 27.0±1.5 20.1±0.0 56.7±4.9 3.3±0.3 17.5±0.9 85.2±1.4 40.1±7.0 8.4±0.6 31.4±0.7 42.0±8.7X-Decoder (L) 3×All 39.3M 42.2 13.9±0.5 48.4±0.2 7.9±2.8 8.6±0.0 45.3±0.2 20.5±0.2 72.4±0.0 80.5±1.0 36.7±1.1 14.8±1.4 86.7±1.8 63.8±0.3 7.5±0.2 52.8±0.8 83.3±0.1 20.1±1.2 18.1±6.6 57.4±3.0 45.1±0.9 50.2±1.1 92.0±0.1 40.4±1.0 10.4±0.7 36.3±0.6 40.2±0.7Table 13. SegInW results with tuning on class embedding for different image shots and backbone architectures. (39.3M parameters tuned in the setting.)Model Shot #Param Avg AirplaneParts Bottles BrainTumor Chicken Cows ElectricShaver Elephants Fruits Garbage GingerGarlic Hand Hand- MetalHousePartsHH.-ItemsNutterflySquireel Phones Poles Puppies Rail SalmonFillet Strawberry Tablets Toolkits Trash WatermelonX-Decoder (T) 0 0.0M 22.7 10.5 19.0 1.1 12.0 12.0 1.2 65.6 66.5 28.7 7.9 0.6 22.4 5.5 50.6 62.1 29.9 3.6 48.9 0.7 15.0 41.6 15.2 9.5 19.3 16.2X-Decoder (T) 1 1.15M 22.8 10.5±0.0 19.0±0.0 1.1±0.0 12.0±0.0 12.0±0.0 1.2±0.0 65.6±0.0 66.5±0.0 28.7±0.0 7.9±5.8 0.6±0.0 22.4±0.0 5.5±0.0 50.6±4.6 62.1±0.0 33.9±4.9 3.6±0.0 48.9±4.6 0.7±0.0 15.0±1.1 41.6±0.0 15.2±0.0 9.5±0.0 19.3±0.0 16.2±0.0X-Decoder (T) 3 1.15M 24.2 10.1±0.1 22.9±6.7 1.6±0.6 19.2±12.4 13.5±0.4 1.2±0.0 66.0±0.4 66.5±0.0 29.9±2.0 7.9±5.8 0.6±0.0 22.4±0.0 5.8±0.4 50.6±4.6 62.1±0.0 38.1±3.9 7.2±8.4 48.9±4.6 0.9±0.3 15.0±1.1 42.4±1.3 16.5±2.4 10.2±0.6 19.9±1.0 24.1±5.0X-Decoder (T) 5 1.15M 27.9 10.5±0.3 30.1±1.8 4.1±3.3 36.6±3.4 15.6±1.4 2.2±0.7 66.0±0.4 69.7±2.9 31.6±1.2 7.2±0.0 22.3±25.9 31.8±5.9 7.9±0.5 50.6±0.0 65.4±1.4 43.7±5.4 17.9±1.9 51.6±1.0 1.0±0.3 15.7±1.7 39.4±4.7 17.8±4.2 11.8±1.3 21.4±0.2 24.1±7.8X-Decoder (T) 10 1.15M 34.5 10.1±0.0 38.4±2.6 4.7±1.1 56.3±7.4 20.7±5.6 2.6±1.5 66.8±2.7 64.0±7.7 36.1±2.1 21.8±5.5 84.9±2.6 41.1±14.3 8.3±0.6 53.1±3.2 68.0±1.6 45.4±5.6 3.6±0.0 49.7±0.8 6.7±2.4 24.3±5.3 43.0±1.5 32.1±5.8 14.6±3.1 22.6±1.7 41.8±12.1X-Decoder (T) 3×All 1.15M 37.9 10.7±0.1 37.1±3.6 7.7±2.9 13.1±2.0 30.5±0.8 7.3±3.5 68.1±0.5 73.7±1.2 38.0±0.8 10.0±2.0 38.1±20.3 41.5±2.9 8.6±0.1 50.6±0.0 80.0±0.2 45.4±2.1 17.9±1.9 50.7±0.9 59.6±2.0 54.6±1.0 89.7±0.1 28.9±2.1 12.9±0.2 27.6±0.4 43.8±0.5X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 0 0.0M 26.3 13.2 17.2 0.8 33.0 28.6 4.9 67.9 71.1 28.8 5.2 0.0 0.8 6.8 50.6 53.2 18.8 17.9 68.2 0.7 21.1 86.3 5.8 11.5 12.1 31.7X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 1 1.15M 26.4 13.2±0.0 17.2±0.0 0.8±0.0 33.0±0.0 28.6±2.3 4.9±0.0 67.9±0.0 74.1±5.1 28.8±0.0 5.2±0.0 0.0±0.0 0.8±0.0 6.8±0.0 50.6±0.0 53.2±0.0 18.8±0.0 17.9±0.0 68.2±0.0 0.7±0.0 21.1±0.0 86.3±0.0 5.8±5.8 11.5±0.0 12.1±1.1 31.7±2.3X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 3 1.15M 26.6 13.3±0.1 17.2±0.0 1.1±0.3 33.0±0.0 28.9±0.5 4.9±0.0 67.2±1.3 74.4±4.9 28.7±0.0 5.2±0.1 0.0±0.0 1.0±0.0 7.0±0.2 50.6±0.0 53.3±0.0 22.1±3.5 18.3±0.3 66.1±1.8 0.7±0.0 21.4±0.8 86.6±0.0 6.2±0.7 11.1±0.5 12.2±0.2 33.5±0.7X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 5 1.15M 27.4 13.5±0.1 17.7±1.0 1.6±0.8 31.5±6.9 32.7±3.0 4.6±0.9 68.9±2.9 79.7±1.5 28.7±0.0 6.7±2.8 0.0±0.0 1.2±0.1 7.6±0.3 50.6±0.0 53.7±0.6 25.6±2.6 18.6±1.3 66.1±1.4 0.8±0.1 21.2±0.3 87.2±0.6 6.9±0.9 10.1±0.8 12.6±0.2 35.5±3.2X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 10 1.15M 29.9 13.5±0.5 19.4±0.9 2.5±1.1 45.1±10.9 37.5±2.8 7.2±3.9 69.4±2.9 81.4±0.4 28.8±0.3 8.2±2.3 0.0±0.0 2.1±0.3 8.2±0.1 51.9±1.8 54.6±1.7 32.2±7.7 17.9±0.0 71.7±1.5 1.7±0.1 24.5±0.8 87.5±0.2 10.7±1.3 14.9±1.5 12.5±0.1 42.0±3.8X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 3×All 1.15M 31.6 13.5±0.1 19.0±0.5 1.7±0.0 33.0±0.0 37.7±0.3 3.8±0.1 73.7±0.2 75.0±3.8 29.0±0.1 5.0±0.4 0.0±0.0 3.6±0.5 8.6±0.2 50.7±0.0 63.7±0.9 24.7±1.2 19.4±1.2 65.3±0.1 45.7±1.0 53.0±1.0 89.6±0.0 8.4±0.7 13.5±1.3 13.4±0.1 38.2±0.5X-Decoder (B) 0 0.0M 27.7 13.0 45.9 0.3 13.6 36.8 4.2 68.0 76.7 30.2 19.4 20.6 18.5 6.7 51.7 53.1 8.9 5.6 55.4 0.8 18.2 81.6 8.0 13.9 27.3 13.0X-Decoder (B) 1 1.15M 26.8 13.0±0.0 45.9±0.0 0.3±0.0 9.0±7.8 36.8±0.0 4.1±0.2 68.0±0.0 76.7±0.0 30.2±0.0 19.4±0.0 20.6±0.0 18.5±0.0 6.7±5.8 51.7±0.0 35.4±30.6 8.9±0.0 4.9±0.5 55.4±0.0 0.8±0.0 18.2±0.0 81.6±0.0 8.0±0.0 13.9±0.0 27.3±0.0 13.0±0.0X-Decoder (B) 3 1.15M 28.6 12.5±0.1 44.3±2.4 0.2±0.0 21.4±7.2 37.7±0.8 5.1±1.5 67.9±0.1 76.6±0.2 30.3±0.0 24.9±4.9 23.4±2.4 18.5±0.0 7.1±0.6 51.7±0.0 53.1±4.6 10.7±5.4 6.7±0.4 55.1±0.3 0.8±0.0 18.6±2.7 84.2±2.3 8.1±1.5 12.6±2.3 27.3±0.0 14.0±1.8X-Decoder (B) 5 1.15M 33.0 12.4±0.9 43.7±0.9 0.4±0.3 40.0±4.1 38.1±0.7 9.0±3.7 67.4±0.4 79.9±1.2 30.9±0.8 34.8±4.8 34.4±10.0 51.1±13.7 8.4±0.1 54.2±2.1 65.6±2.2 15.1±5.3 4.5±0.4 55.4±0.0 1.1±0.2 24.4±5.6 87.0±2.3 8.5±0.1 12.5±3.5 28.5±0.4 16.6±2.1X-Decoder (B) 10 1.15M 39.7 10.3±1.8 36.8±4.1 1.4±0.8 49.3±0.9 38.8±1.3 28.4±2.2 69.2±1.6 76.3±0.4 31.4±0.5 37.2±1.1 92.2±0.2 60.1±6.0 8.8±0.7 55.8±3.8 74.2±1.8 28.7±11.4 5.6±0.0 57.0±2.4 3.2±0.4 30.2±2.9 88.0±1.7 19.8±2.3 17.6±6.0 30.9±1.4 40.4±2.5X-Decoder (B) 3×All 1.15M 38.7 12.6±0.2 41.7±1.7 1.1±0.1 13.6±1.1 36.5±0.1 23.1±7.9 71.5±0.3 77.3±0.3 31.5±0.2 32.4±6.1 47.3±14.1 65.6±0.5 9.2±0.0 53.8±0.3 82.2±0.1 17.1±1.2 5.5±1.4 55.8±0.7 48.4±3.8 47.9±1.2 90.0±0.3 18.3±0.3 12.8±0.7 36.9±1.0 33.2±0.9X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 0 0.0M 26.7 12.3 43.2 0.5 3.5 12.3 18.8 63.9 79.1 24.3 15.6 0.0 20.3 4.9 50.5 58.8 43.4 13.4 57.3 1.3 12.3 74.4 6.9 14.6 20.1 13.5X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 1 1.15M 27.0 12.3±0.0 43.2±4.6 0.5±0.0 3.5±0.0 20.1±6.8 18.8±0.0 63.9±4.6 78.6±0.4 24.3±0.0 15.6±1.1 0.0±0.0 20.3±0.0 4.9±0.0 50.5±0.0 58.8±0.0 43.4±0.0 13.6±0.3 57.3±0.0 1.3±0.0 12.3±0.0 76.4±3.4 7.1±0.2 14.6±0.0 20.1±0.0 13.5±0.0X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 3 1.15M 30.1 12.7±0.8 45.8±4.5 0.6±0.1 15.4±9.0 28.6±1.9 38.0±18.2 64.1±0.2 78.2±1.5 24.3±0.0 15.6±1.1 26.3±23.1 20.9±3.3 5.6±0.4 50.5±0.0 60.8±3.5 42.2±2.3 12.2±3.1 57.3±0.0 1.5±0.3 17.8±9.5 77.8±5.7 7.0±4.4 15.2±1.0 13.4±11.6 19.3±9.9X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 5 1.15M 34.0 13.8±1.4 48.2±3.1 0.7±0.3 26.3±6.2 28.7±3.9 33.3±25.4 62.8±0.2 79.0±1.9 29.3±2.0 16.4±10.1 60.1±52.0 34.5±22.5 7.2±0.4 52.2±2.5 63.5±1.7 37.0±10.8 7.6±6.2 59.8±0.8 2.3±0.2 21.8±3.5 85.4±1.1 5.7±2.3 16.0±2.1 27.7±10.8 29.8±8.7X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 10 1.15M 40.3 12.5±1.4 46.5±7.0 0.8±0.5 36.2±3.6 31.9±3.9 44.7±29.6 63.1±1.6 79.8±1.0 33.2±5.5 34.3±3.6 88.9±3.1 62.2±0.8 7.2±1.4 53.2±2.2 76.0±2.1 27.2±21.0 13.4±0.0 58.8±3.7 2.4±0.1 23.3±4.1 88.0±1.4 25.9±12.8 17.6±2.7 34.3±6.9 43.9±1.3X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 3×All 1.15M 40.7 14.5±0.5 53.3±0.4 0.5±0.1 4.1±1.0 36.8±0.0 64.3±0.2 70.7±0.4 80.7±1.1 32.1±0.1 13.2±5.6 20.4±1.9 61.5±0.7 7.9±0.1 51.6±0.7 84.8±0.0 43.2±1.1 13.5±6.0 60.5±0.3 42.9±2.7 48.8±0.9 90.4±0.3 24.5±3.6 19.2±0.8 41.6±0.3 35.7±1.2X-Decoder (L) 0 0.0M 32.3 13.1 42.1 2.2 8.6 44.9 7.5 66.0 79.2 33.0 11.6 75.9 42.1 7.0 53.0 68.4 15.6 20.1 59.0 2.3 19.0 67.1 22.5 9.9 22.3 13.8X-Decoder (L) 1 1.15M 32.3 13.1±0.0 42.1±0.0 2.2±0.0 8.6±0.0 44.9±0.0 7.5±0.0 66.0±0.0 79.2±0.0 33.0±0.0 11.6±1.1 75.9±0.0 42.1±0.0 7.0±0.0 53.0±0.0 68.4±0.0 15.6±1.1 20.1±0.0 59.0±0.0 2.3±0.0 19.0±0.0 67.1±0.0 22.5±0.0 9.9±0.0 22.3±0.0 13.8±0.0X-Decoder (L) 3 1.15M 32.6 13.3±0.3 41.4±1.2 2.2±0.0 8.6±0.0 45.5±0.4 7.5±0.0 66.4±0.6 79.2±0.0 33.0±0.0 11.6±1.1 75.9±0.0 42.1±0.0 7.1±0.2 53.0±0.0 68.4±0.0 18.0±3.3 20.7±0.4 59.0±0.0 2.3±0.0 19.0±0.0 67.1±0.0 22.0±0.8 9.9±0.0 22.9±0.9 17.1±5.6X-Decoder (L) 5 1.15M 35.5 13.7±0.5 46.9±4.1 4.0±1.6 33.2±1.0 45.7±0.6 12.1±4.8 65.9±1.6 77.6±0.7 32.9±0.5 20.3±10.3 75.9±0.0 41.4±1.2 6.9±0.5 53.0±0.2 70.3±2.0 20.2±1.5 22.4±1.9 59.1±0.9 3.1±0.4 16.8±2.1 80.1±2.3 27.7±4.3 9.4±0.8 23.9±0.4 23.6±8.2X-Decoder (L) 10 1.15M 40.5 13.6±0.1 45.4±1.8 4.5±2.4 44.9±0.4 46.0±1.1 35.2±10.8 66.7±3.8 78.6±1.7 39.2±2.6 20.1±5.2 94.3±0.3 59.9±3.4 7.2±0.2 52.0±0.7 77.8±1.3 24.5±2.8 20.1±0.0 56.7±1.3 3.2±0.6 19.7±2.5 86.9±0.4 38.8±4.5 8.8±3.2 30.7±1.2 36.5±4.5X-Decoder (L) 3×All 1.15M 42.3 13.4±0.0 48.8±0.7 6.3±1.2 8.6±0.0 45.1±0.0 20.5±1.0 72.1±0.1 79.3±0.9 36.9±0.9 12.8±1.1 88.5±2.5 63.1±1.9 7.6±0.0 52.8±0.8 83.6±0.2 22.1±1.1 21.7±1.9 59.2±0.8 43.7±2.7 50.0±1.0 91.7±0.0 40.9±1.4 9.8±0.3 36.6±0.3 40.7±1.7Table 14. SegInW results with tuning on class & mask embeddings and latent queries for different image shots and backbone architectures. (1.15Mparameterserss tuned in the setting.)Model Shot #Param Avg AirplaneParts Bottles BrainTumor Chicken Cows ElectricShaver Elephants Fruits Garbage GingerGarlic Hand Hand- MetalHousePartsHH.-ItemsNutterflySquireel Phones Poles Puppies Rail SalmonFillet Strawberry Tablets Toolkits Trash WatermelonX-Decoder (T) 0 0.0M 22.7 10.5 19.0 1.1 12.0 12.0 1.2 65.6 66.5 28.7 7.9 0.6 22.4 5.5 50.6 62.1 29.9 3.6 48.9 0.7 15.0 41.6 15.2 9.5 19.3 16.2X-Decoder (T) 1 0.26M 22.6 10.5±0.0 19.0±0.0 1.1±0.0 12.0±0.0 12.0±0.0 1.2±0.0 65.6±0.0 66.5±0.0 28.7±0.0 7.9±5.8 0.6±0.0 22.4±0.0 5.5±0.0 50.6±4.6 62.1±0.0 28.5±2.1 3.6±0.0 48.9±4.6 0.7±0.0 15.0±1.1 41.6±0.0 15.2±0.0 9.5±0.0 19.3±0.0 16.2±0.0X-Decoder (T) 3 0.26M 25.1 10.4±0.1 20.2±2.1 3.4±4.0 42.7±17.8 14.4±2.3 1.2±0.0 66.1±0.8 65.5±3.1 28.8±0.2 11.6±6.3 0.6±0.0 22.4±0.0 7.4±1.1 50.6±0.0 62.1±0.0 33.4±14.3 9.6±6.6 49.3±0.6 0.7±0.0 15.0±1.1 41.6±0.0 15.3±3.2 11.8±2.5 20.3±1.7 20.5±3.7X-Decoder (T) 5 0.26M 29.7 10.5±0.7 33.7±3.6 7.8±2.6 33.0±16.3 15.2±2.6 14.2±12.7 65.5±1.7 65.5±8.8 34.7±3.1 16.7±1.6 51.0±18.1 30.3±4.6 7.9±0.6 51.1±0.8 63.6±4.1 46.0±5.6 13.8±11.0 49.5±0.8 0.5±0.4 18.4±8.5 34.6±2.8 19.7±3.7 13.2±1.7 18.9±1.4 26.8±6.4X-Decoder (T) 10 0.26M 36.2 10.9±1.6 35.2±5.5 6.2±2.6 61.8±3.1 19.8±5.7 46.2±6.8 66.0±2.7 63.2±10.3 34.9±3.8 19.5±13.6 92.0±1.0 46.1±15.0 10.6±1.2 56.3±3.3 67.9±2.1 33.3±12.5 3.6±0.0 45.8±3.5 6.3±0.6 22.8±8.7 52.4±21.2 25.7±10.4 16.4±6.3 21.2±0.9 39.9±2.1X-Decoder (T) 3×All 0.26M 41.9 10.7±0.4 42.8±2.2 8.7±0.7 13.6±2.8 30.5±3.5 27.5±11.0 69.0±0.8 70.8±2.8 38.5±0.0 10.3±1.6 74.0±1.2 61.0±2.0 13.9±0.3 50.7±0.0 81.3±0.8 44.2±3.0 20.1±0.0 50.3±0.6 62.6±2.6 55.0±0.6 90.8±0.1 28.0±1.9 18.4±2.7 27.3±0.9 45.3±1.7X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 0 0.0M 26.3 13.2 17.2 0.8 33.0 28.6 4.9 67.9 71.1 28.8 5.2 0.0 0.8 6.8 50.6 53.2 18.8 17.9 68.2 0.7 21.1 86.3 5.8 11.5 12.1 31.7X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 1 0.26M 26.3 13.2±0.0 17.2±0.0 0.8±0.0 33.0±0.0 28.6±0.0 4.9±0.0 67.9±0.0 71.1±0.0 28.8±0.0 5.2±0.0 0.0±0.0 1.5±1.2 6.8±5.8 50.6±0.0 53.2±0.0 18.8±0.0 17.9±0.0 67.3±1.6 0.7±0.0 21.1±0.0 86.3±0.0 5.8±5.8 11.5±0.0 12.1±1.1 31.8±0.0X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 3 0.26M 28.5 13.2±0.3 17.2±0.0 1.4±0.5 33.0±0.0 31.2±3.4 9.5±6.7 67.9±0.0 74.1±5.2 28.8±0.0 7.0±3.1 1.3±0.7 12.4±16.4 7.3±0.3 52.6±3.4 55.8±2.5 31.3±7.3 17.6±2.5 68.2±0.0 0.7±0.0 21.9±3.6 86.9±0.9 9.7±0.7 11.9±0.6 12.0±0.7 39.0±7.2X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 5 0.26M 32.4 13.7±0.0 20.7±0.9 2.3±0.5 27.1±14.4 30.2±0.6 41.7±27.2 67.3±1.7 77.5±0.2 28.0±1.0 17.8±7.7 3.2±1.8 28.3±11.3 7.2±0.4 50.8±0.1 58.5±4.3 39.6±12.5 20.4±0.3 69.6±2.3 1.0±0.4 31.4±5.7 86.6±1.5 10.9±3.5 14.1±1.3 13.0±1.0 48.3±5.4X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 10 0.26M 41.7 14.2±1.7 24.9±4.3 5.5±0.1 66.5±2.7 36.5±0.4 68.0±5.8 69.3±2.6 69.8±9.4 28.5±0.5 24.9±6.0 94.2±0.6 46.4±7.1 9.5±0.0 50.5±0.1 70.3±3.8 52.4±2.2 17.9±0.0 59.5±5.2 16.0±12.1 37.6±6.1 87.6±0.5 13.4±0.3 13.1±3.3 11.8±0.7 51.8±3.2X-Decoder-Seg+ (B) 3×All 0.26M 40.3 13.5±0.2 21.8±1.2 3.3±0.5 33.0±0.0 40.9±0.9 68.1±6.8 73.2±0.0 73.0±5.4 30.3±0.6 11.6±3.2 26.1±14.4 49.2±2.1 11.4±0.0 50.8±0.1 81.6±0.8 35.6±5.0 20.7±0.9 64.7±1.2 59.2±0.7 51.7±0.8 90.5±0.8 12.8±1.2 15.5±0.3 17.5±0.5 50.6±0.4X-Decoder (B) 0 0.0M 27.7 13.0 45.9 0.3 13.6 36.8 4.2 68.0 76.7 30.2 19.4 20.6 18.5 6.7 51.7 53.1 8.9 5.6 55.4 0.8 18.2 81.6 8.0 13.9 27.3 13.0X-Decoder (B) 1 0.26M 27.7 13.0±0.0 45.9±0.0 0.3±0.0 13.6±1.1 36.8±0.0 4.2±0.0 68.0±0.0 76.7±0.0 30.2±0.0 19.4±0.0 20.6±0.0 18.5±0.0 6.7±5.8 51.7±0.0 53.0±4.6 9.9±1.6 5.6±0.0 55.4±0.0 0.8±0.0 18.2±0.0 81.6±0.0 8.0±0.0 13.9±0.0 27.3±0.0 13.0±0.0X-Decoder (B) 3 0.26M 31.9 13.1±0.4 47.4±3.9 0.3±0.1 18.9±9.2 38.1±2.2 9.4±5.4 69.6±1.4 76.8±0.0 30.9±1.1 19.4±0.0 84.9±1.7 32.2±23.7 8.2±1.3 52.8±1.9 53.0±4.6 10.9±2.0 5.3±0.7 55.4±0.0 0.8±0.0 18.5±1.1 81.6±0.0 8.5±1.3 15.5±2.6 27.4±0.2 17.5±1.2X-Decoder (B) 5 0.26M 35.4 12.6±0.5 48.7±1.8 1.0±0.8 19.0±16.0 37.1±1.2 21.3±21.3 67.9±1.8 79.4±3.6 32.2±1.7 32.2±3.0 82.8±7.8 63.4±5.0 8.6±0.2 53.7±2.7 65.6±10.9 17.8±6.9 5.0±1.4 54.2±2.1 1.2±0.4 21.0±1.3 81.6±10.0 8.6±3.3 18.2±6.6 30.5±0.6 19.2±3.2X-Decoder (B) 10 0.26M 41.0 13.7±0.8 42.4±2.8 4.0±2.2 50.8±3.8 40.3±0.8 70.9±6.9 68.8±2.9 78.1±0.6 30.8±6.4 40.4±9.1 76.6±23.9 63.0±3.6 10.7±0.6 60.6±0.6 69.8±1.7 21.0±20.7 5.6±0.0 55.4±1.4 4.4±2.1 27.8±5.4 88.3±2.1 22.4±8.9 14.2±2.7 31.1±2.3 31.4±9.1X-Decoder (B) 3×All 0.26M 44.7 13.0±0.0 43.8±2.8 3.3±0.0 15.4±3.1 36.5±1.2 69.3±9.3 72.2±0.5 79.6±1.1 34.0±0.7 38.9±1.0 89.4±3.3 74.8±0.9 14.1±0.2 57.9±1.9 84.0±0.4 17.8±3.1 5.1±0.4 55.9±0.3 57.5±1.8 48.4±0.4 90.0±0.1 18.4±0.2 21.0±4.0 38.3±0.5 37.0±0.5X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 0 0.0M 26.7 12.3 43.2 0.5 3.5 12.3 18.8 63.9 79.1 24.3 15.6 0.0 20.3 4.9 50.5 58.8 43.4 13.4 57.3 1.3 12.3 74.4 6.9 14.6 20.1 13.5X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 1 0.26M 25.9 12.3±0.0 28.8±24.9 0.5±0.0 3.5±0.0 12.3±1.1 18.8±0.0 63.9±4.6 79.1±0.0 24.3±0.0 15.6±1.1 0.0±0.0 20.3±0.0 4.9±0.0 50.5±0.0 58.8±0.0 43.4±0.0 11.2±3.8 57.3±0.0 1.3±0.0 12.3±0.0 74.4±0.0 5.4±2.5 14.6±0.0 20.1±0.0 13.5±0.0X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 3 0.26M 29.1 12.6±2.1 44.7±2.6 1.1±0.9 8.0±11.0 15.7±3.0 32.7±24.0 63.9±4.6 76.7±4.4 24.5±0.4 15.6±1.1 30.2±52.4 16.9±5.9 6.8±2.0 51.0±0.7 61.1±4.0 43.0±3.8 14.6±5.8 57.5±3.1 1.4±0.1 12.3±0.0 74.0±0.7 4.4±2.7 14.8±0.3 20.8±1.2 21.0±10.7X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 5 0.26M 33.7 13.9±1.0 46.4±5.9 2.1±2.0 9.5±8.5 31.4±1.3 52.6±12.3 64.1±0.6 78.0±6.2 32.9±1.2 19.2±8.2 71.0±24.3 26.3±20.1 7.5±0.8 54.9±4.7 66.6±1.7 32.6±9.3 10.3±9.2 59.0±1.6 1.3±0.6 15.5±8.3 80.1±5.5 3.0±3.6 14.0±5.0 26.6±9.2 22.3±8.5X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 10 0.26M 35.1 10.4±1.5 39.1±7.2 4.4±1.1 31.7±8.5 24.7±11.7 55.8±6.0 61.4±6.1 73.9±7.1 28.6±1.8 17.5±10.2 85.4±7.0 40.8±28.3 6.4±2.1 58.4±2.9 54.2±4.3 32.2±19.3 13.4±0.0 40.2±13.5 2.2±2.1 20.8±14.8 81.0±2.0 17.9±15.8 17.6±3.1 26.4±4.4 31.9±9.4X-Decoder (L-IN21K) 3×All 0.26M 44.5 12.1±0.8 57.0±0.4 1.5±0.5 4.9±2.3 41.4±1.0 74.7±2.9 70.3±0.4 79.1±2.6 36.6±0.7 23.6±3.8 54.6±2.3 70.0±1.6 12.7±0.1 60.1±0.0 86.1±0.3 43.1±2.1 5.2±2.2 59.7±0.9 46.6±0.8 52.0±0.4 91.0±0.0 23.0±5.5 22.7±1.7 43.8±0.5 40.5±1.3X-Decoder (L) 0 0.0M 32.3 13.1 42.1 2.2 8.6 44.9 7.5 66.0 79.2 33.0 11.6 75.9 42.1 7.0 53.0 68.4 15.6 20.1 59.0 2.3 19.0 67.1 22.5 9.9 22.3 13.8X-Decoder (L) 1 0.26M 32.3 13.1±0.0 42.1±0.0 2.2±0.0 8.6±0.0 44.9±0.0 7.5±0.0 66.0±0.0 79.2±0.0 33.0±0.0 11.6±1.1 75.9±0.0 42.1±0.0 7.0±0.0 53.0±0.0 68.4±0.0 15.6±1.1 20.1±0.0 59.0±0.0 2.3±0.0 19.0±0.0 67.1±0.0 22.5±2.3 9.9±0.0 22.3±0.0 13.8±0.0X-Decoder (L) 3 0.26M 33.2 12.9±0.4 45.9±6.4 1.8±0.6 8.6±0.0 44.9±0.0 7.5±0.0 66.0±0.0 79.2±0.0 33.0±0.0 13.2±2.7 75.9±0.0 42.1±0.0 7.2±0.3 53.0±0.0 68.4±0.0 18.1±0.9 22.4±1.9 59.0±0.0 2.3±0.0 19.8±1.3 67.1±0.0 26.0±6.0 9.6±0.4 25.8±6.0 18.3±5.1X-Decoder (L) 5 0.26M 35.9 12.5±0.5 44.9±2.2 2.4±2.5 28.4±6.8 44.9±1.0 15.7±1.6 67.1±2.0 77.1±0.2 36.3±0.7 9.8±8.7 93.1±0.9 45.6±7.5 7.6±1.0 53.0±0.8 71.3±3.1 19.4±3.5 22.5±1.7 55.8±2.2 2.4±0.5 12.0±2.1 78.4±6.0 30.1±6.3 10.0±1.3 30.1±1.7 25.9±2.8X-Decoder (L) 10 0.26M 40.3 14.0±1.5 33.7±14.6 4.4±5.9 41.2±3.0 44.6±1.7 73.0±2.2 68.8±5.5 79.4±1.8 39.2±3.4 17.5±4.7 93.9±0.6 53.9±3.1 8.8±3.0 52.5±2.5 77.3±0.9 24.0±7.0 20.1±0.0 55.3±0.7 3.0±1.6 15.0±6.6 72.7±16.1 39.1±7.8 9.0±5.5 32.1±2.4 32.5±9.4X-Decoder (L) 3×All 0.26M 44.7 13.6±0.3 49.3±0.6 4.2±1.1 8.8±0.4 44.6±0.3 51.1±0.8 72.8±0.6 78.9±1.2 42.0±0.0 13.8±3.1 90.2±0.6 67.8±0.3 11.8±0.1 52.7±0.4 84.3±0.0 18.9±1.2 21.6±1.6 54.3±2.3 56.8±3.5 50.4±0.6 90.7±0.2 42.1±2.7 11.1±1.0 39.7±1.2 44.3±2.9Table 15. SegInW results with tuning on X-Decoder for different image shots and backbone architectures. (0.26M parameters tuned in the setting.)190 100000 200000 300000 400000coffee table arcade machine plaything trade name crt screenchest of drawers minibike hovel trash can traffic light swivel chair grandstand conveyer belt dirt track bulletin board sconcescreen door cradle kitchen island pool table signboard buffet armchair escalator ottomanwardrobe bookcase stairway radiator dishwasher booth chandelier street lamp countertopbarrel canopystool awning skyscraper cushion hood blind fountain column pier tentmicrowave fireplace washer refrigerator rugmonitor sofa sculpture tub stairs tank blanket bannister traystovecaseland palm path curtain clothes pool steptowel ceiling cabinet vanshelf fan rail bicycle screenbasket pillow ship runwaybase potcountervaselamptvfalls desk sink seatbar mirror stageseahill sidewalk computertoilet posterbottle lake bag book flag sand animal bench towertruck box food plant bridge fence plane earth bed river clock painting chair mountain ball bus door shower boat floor pole rock field plate road grass glass flower house table ovenlight carwall sky waterwindow building tree personcc coco sbu vgFigure 10. Image captions overlap with ADE20K-1500 100000 200000 300000 400000ego vehicle polegroup traffic signtraffic sign frame traffic device parking sign lane pider traffic light street light rail track traffic cone guard rail caravan dynamic terrain billboard tunnel garagebanner trailer bicycle vegetation static sidewalk motorcycle truck bridge fence rider bus ground pole road parking train carwall sky building personcc coco sbu vgFigure 11. Image captions overlap with BDD-Panoptic0 100000 200000 300000 400000traffict sign traffic light terrain bicycle vegetation sidewalk motorcycle truck fence rider bus pole road train carwall sky building personcc coco sbu vgFigure 12. Image captions overlap with BDD-Semantic/Cityscapes 100000 200000 300000 400000potedplanttedplant tvmonitor diningtable aeroplane motorbike sofa bicycle sheep bottle cowchair horse bird bus boat cat dog train car personcc coco sbu vgFigure 13. Image captions overlap with Pascal VOC0 100000 200000 300000 400000hair drier door-stuff floor-wood mirror-stuff playingfield wall-brick wall-stone wall-tile wall-wood window-blind potted plant sports ball traffic light parking meter stop sign dining table teddy bear baseball glove handbag wine glass baseball bat cardboard toothbrush toaster gravel scissors hot dog railroad tentmicrowave fire hydrant refrigerator rug-merged net spoon backpack platform carrotstairs broccoli tennis racket mouseremotecell phone blanket banner knife donut suitcase fork pavement-merged curtain banana snowboard keyboard sandwich towel ceiling-merged cabinet-merged frisbee couch shelf appletie bicycle pillow countervasefruit dirt-merged surfboardtv airplane sink cupsheep umbrella laptop roof seakite zebra bowl motorcycle toilet skateboard cake paper-merged bottle cowbook sand bench pizza truckfood-other-merged bridge elephant fence-merged giraffe bed river clock bear chair skis mountain-merged horse bird bus orangeboatfloor-other-merged rock-merged snowcatroad grass-merged dog flower house train table-merged ovenlight car wall-other-mergedsky-other-merged water-other window-other building-other-merged tree-merged personcc coco sbu vgFigure 14. Image captions overlap with COCO0 100000 200000 300000 4000000pottedted plant bed clothes dining table tv monitor aeroplane side walk motorbike shelves cloth sofa platform mousecurtain keyboard ceiling cabinet bicycle cupsheep computertrack bottle cowbag book bench truck food fence bed chair mountain horse bird bus door ground boat floor rock snowplate catroad grass dog flower wood train light carwall sign sky waterwindow building tree personcc coco sbu vgFigure 15. Image captions overlap with Pascal Context-590 100000 200000 300000 400000otherstructuretur otherfurniture otherprop floor mat whiteboard refridgerator night stand shower curtain bookshelf bathtub shelves blinds sofa television curtain clothes towel ceiling cabinet pillow counterlamp desk sink mirror toilet paper bag books box bed dresser chair picture door floor table wall window personcc coco sbu vgFigure 16. Image captions overlap with ScanNet-4020Figure 17. Zero-Shot Video Generic Segmentation. (Source: YoutubeVOS videos)Figure 18. Zero-Shot Referring Video Segmentation. (Source: YoutubeVOS videos)21Figure 19. Zero-Shot Image Captioning. (Source: YoutubeVOS videos)Figure 20. Referring Captioning. (Source: COCO 2017 val images)Figure 21. Referring Image Inpainting. (Source: web images)