当前位置: 首页 > 图灵资讯 > 技术篇> Java对象指定部分/全部属性copy工具类


时间:2023-07-18 11:33:29


public class ObjectCopier {    public static void copyFields(Object source, Object destination, String... fields) throws IllegalAccessException {        Class<?> sourceClass = source.getClass();        Class<?> destinationClass = destination.getClass();        for (String field : fields) {            Field sourceField = null;            try {                sourceField = sourceClass.getDeclaredField(field);            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {                // Ignore fields that don't exist in the source object                continue;            }            Field destinationField = null;            try {                destinationField = destinationClass.getDeclaredField(field);            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {                // Ignore fields that don't exist in the destination object                continue;            }            sourceField.setAccessible(true);            destinationField.setAccessible(true);            destinationField.set(destination, sourceField.get(source));        }    }}


@Datapublic class User {    private String warehouseCode;    private String warehouseName;    private Integer  deductType;    private String  deductOrderCode;    private BigDecimal deductAmount;}@Datapublic class User2 {    private String warehouseCode;    private String warehouseName;    private Integer  deductType;    public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException {        User2 user2 = new User2();        user2.setWarehouseCode("code");        user2.setWarehouseName("name");        user2.setDeductType(111);        User user = new User();        ObjectCopier.copyFields(user2,user,"warehouseCode","warehouseName");        System.out.println(user);    }}

