暴力方法将涉及到创建给定字符串的所有可能的子字符串,并找出没有重复字符的最长子字符串。这将导致 tc:o(n^2)
最佳方法: tc:o(n) sc : o(256)大小用于使用 256 的 int[]
class Solution { public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) { int hash[] = new int[256];// size of all the ascii characters Arrays.fill(hash,-1); // -1 to indicate these indexes don't have any character visited already int left =0,right =0; int max = 0; while(right<s.length char c="s.charAt(right);" if means the character has been seen in past>=left){// if the index of the character seen in the past is after the left pointer, then left pointer should be updated, to avoid duplicate in the window of substring left = hash[c] + 1;// has to be 1 index after the index of last seen duplicate character } } max = Integer.max(max, right-left+1);// keep track of mas window substring hash[c] = right;// update the character last seen index in hash right++; } return max; } } </s.length>